The Bottle Yard Studios
Project title: Graphic design and art direction of new digital brochure to send to Line Producers of Film and TV projects
The Bottle Yard Studios in Bristol is the largest film and TV facility in the West of England. They asked me to design their new digital brochure which they can either send to Line Producers who are looking for somewhere to film their new project, or for browsers to download from the TBYS website. Working alongside consultant Tara Milne, I developed the line 'Our space, your creativity. It's all here' to convey the scale of the site (it's huge) but also the flexibility it offers in terms of stage sizes, facilities, on site expertise and its close proximity to London.
The first slide with the large reception sign was actually a cover concept that the client didn't go with in the end as they wanted to show an actual site picture which is great, but I still prefer this one so I decided to show it. Literally just finished this (as of June 21) so it's not online yet but when it is, I'll update the page with a link.