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Love football?

I have loved football for as long as I can remember.

As the cliché goes, you don't choose your team, it chooses you. In my case, it's West Ham United. As a child, I had family in east London (despite me growing up in Warwickshire) and their influence over a very impressionable young version of me; coupled with the fact that West Ham had just won the FA Cup, made me decide they were the team for me. Winners, clearly. Anybody who follows football will realise how hilariously misguided this prediction became, but I don't care. They're my team.

So, I was delighted to be contacted by a client of mine (Andreea at Flare) who is working on a project called "Rethinking Football", in collaboration with SOAS University of London and Football for Peace. It's kicking-off (sorry) with a series of vox-pops and online events where fans discuss what football means to them and the communities they live in, as well as its role in the wider world. This will result in a series of recommendations outlined in a report presented to organisations both inside and outside of the game.

For the Vox-pops, we asked three questions:

1. What’s the best and most important thing about football?

2. If there was one thing you could change about the game, what would it be?

3. What do you think needs to happen to make that change possible?

I have asked a few people I know to film themselves answering the above questions and the video below is a particularly good one from Jimmy, a friend of mine and Newcastle United fan. If you'd like to also record a two minute video answering the questions above, please email for details here.



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